I skipped school today. Normally, I reward myself with skipping one class, but today, it was the entire day! {Don't tell my mom...} I couldn't resist though! I needed this day. However, I did not know how much it would truly reveal about my heart. Here's what I mean...
I feel refreshed. I feel revived. I feel refreshed. I feel {dare I say it...} content. I didn't do much today. I cleaned up the house, did some laundry, organized my school work, emptied the dishwasher, cleaned out the sinks, made lunch for Roger, read my book, spent time with Roger, and even made cookies! I feel accomplished.
How many times after a long day of school have I been able to say that? Uh...never? I never say that after a long day of school I felt like I have accomplished something. So guess what? My heart has revealed to me how much I truly want to be a stay-at-home mom. I know that not all days will be glamorous and fabulous, but still they will be days where I can say that I accomplished something great.
Ladies who are already a stay-at-home mom, take great pride!!! You get this divine privledge to educate your children, to feed nurious your family, to provide a safe and clean home for everyone who enters. This is not easy work, you ladies work hard. Take pride though! You have been given this gift of waking up every morning knowing that you can feel accomplished. Although, I will be finishing my degree and looking to work for some time, I long to join you. You women, you make a difference.
Now if you would excuse me, I am going to enjoy my warm chocolate chip cookies with someone I love dearly. And hopefully the rest of my family will be able to enjoy them as well!!