Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Year Later...

I cannot believe it's been a year. I cannot believe I have been married an entire year. Truthfully, I don't want to blog about the wonderful year I have had because I will burst into happy tears. All I know is that marriage is the best thing that has happened to me. Sure, it is work and sure we don't always have lovey feelings every day but we are committed to each other and that's all that matters at the end of the day.

So pardon me while I enjoy some quality time with my husband of one year. I will leave you with a few pictures from our years together.

Roger playing baseball during college 
Roger playing at Gus Maker 
Some anniversary we had together :) 

Red Sox Game at Fenway
Roger when he proposed to me on December 24, 2010 

On our wonderful wedding day <3 <3

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happen Birthday, Jaxon!!

Happy Birthday, Jaxon!!!

I cannot believe for the life of me that you are five years old today. Man does time fly. I remember when you were still in your mommy's tummy and I was wishing that you were a girl :) But I am so happy you turned out to be a boy, you are exactly who God wanted you to be.  
This is the first birthday that I am not with you to celebrate. Do you remember last year's birthday? When you turned 4? I left you the arrows on the floor to the sugary cereal? Make sure you eat sugary cereal today, after all it is your birthday!!

You and I at your old home before we moved.

It's hard for me to write this because I miss you so much. You were so little when we moved into your house together. We adored each other. You would light up when I walked into a room and call me "Ba" and eventually it turned into Aunt Bethany. I loved spending my free time playing with you. You must agree that I have the best Sally voice for Cars, mommy just can't cut it. Remember all of those forts that we used to make? I am not sure why but you loved being in dark small spaces, it is an oddity about you but that's okay. I didn't mind folding piles of sheets after a good adventure together. Do you remember all the cookies and brownies we made? Yum! You have always been the best helper. 

Our favorite past time, playing in my room.

You take after me, did you know that? I may have taught you to be a tad organized with everything having a certain spot. Don't let anyone tell you that there is anything wrong with that! It's a great quality to have.  I hope it's forever engraved into your memory that your tongue has the most germs and it's important to brush every day. 

Us being silly in one of the forts we made.
My wish for you today is that you have a great birthday and know how special you really are. My wish for the year to come is that you grow closer to Jesus because He loves you more than I could ever love you. I hope that your day is just as special as you are. You are becoming a wonderful young man and I count it a blessing to be your aunt.

Happy Birthday to you, my favorite Jaxon. You are one in a million. 

You at 4.5 years old at my apartment in North Carolina

I love you to the sun and moon and back. To infinity and beyond... GOTCHA :) 

Aunt Bethany 

Valentine's Day <3 

Making Peanut Butter Cookies for Christ

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Like Mother Like Daughter

This is the first Mother's Day that I am not spending with my mom.

I honestly can't believe we are at this point in my life where I am not right by here side. My mom means the world to me. I know that someday we will live at least in the same state again (hint hint mom)
My mom and I at my Senior Prom

Roger keeps telling me that I am so much like my mom. He says that my mannerism and those odd things about me have come straight from my mom. I think it's a compliment to my mom for raising me, he of course thinks he is picking on my mom. Either way, I don't care!

My mom and I at my High School Graduation
My mom has taught me more than I can every write down. She laid the foundation for my faith in Christ, she taught me that no matter my brothers are always my brothers, she taught me how to cook, bake, and clean. Most importantly she taught me how to care for others, especially for those in need. I cannot tell you how many "needy" people were in and out of our house for a warm meal and a bed to sleep in. I cannot count how many Thanksgivings we had with people I have never met. She truly taught me to care.

She taught me how to love like Christ did. My mom has done so much for my brothers and I, she put herself in tough spots just to give us a better life. She left a physically abusive relationship in order to provide us with the future that she knew we deserve. She loved her children and continues to love us. She  is my biggest encourager and always has the best advice for me.

I absolutely love my relationship with my mom now. Being adults and friends is just a wonderful blessing. I always hope she knows how much I love her. I really look up to my mom. She is a wonderful woman and I wish her the very Happy Mother's Day with love...

My mom and I at Shannon's Wedding

Monday, May 7, 2012

White Cupboards

I cannot believe how out of control I have gotten lately.

Let me help you understand...

Roger and I have to move in July because our rent is going up significantly so I have been apartment hunting. I spent a whole day a few weeks ago with my bestie Shannon looking through every apartment we could find. We asked about standard wall color, cable jacks, standard cupboards, appliances, and garbage disposals. You see the apartment I am in now is wonderful. It is modern, clean, and everything one would look for in an apartment.

The problem with all of these other apartments is that they are not modern and perfect. They have some things that just won't cut it with me. The plan is to stay in this apartment until we need to move for Roger's job (hopefully somewhere in Raleigh...) or buy a house. We do not want to move every year so I am looking for a "permanent" home. Some of the apartments won't work because of the layout, price, or it has been very loved. (You know carpet coming up and massive marks on the walls)

But yesterday, Roger and I saw an adorable apartment. It is pretty much everything I want in an apartment. The layout makes perfect sense! Laundry where it should be, dining room next to the kitchen, and linen closest. The only thing I hate is the cupboards. They are dated. They are those nasty white ones line with wood (Sorry if you have those...) They are simply not me. \

They kind of look like these cupboards...

When Roger and I got home we started discussing the apartment and I told him absolutely not because I cannot look at something that ugly. He started talking about the layout and how the apartment had a great built in bookcase and the master bathroom was huge, all things that I had completely missed because I hated the cupboards.

It hit me in the middle of the night that I am completely selfish. Here I am in America with the freedom to have religion and choices. I have the ability to have several options when it comes to apartments. All the apartments I looked at have a pool and a gym. I am blessed far beyond what I deserve. And here I am complaining about the cupboards that are in this apartment.

I feel like a spoiled brat. I feel terribly disgusted with myself for turning my nose up at a great apartment because the cupboards are white. I am not trying to get under anyone's skin here, I really am not. Maybe ugly cupboards or odd floor plans is a huge deal to you and that's fine with me. For me it's the fact that I have been spoiled with so many options and that I felt like I deserve nicer apartments than what I was being shown. But really, come on, what about those refugees who come to the US for religious freedom, I cannot believe that they would turn down a great apartment because of the cupboards. In fact, they would probably be thrilled to have a place to put their items or call home.

That's my rant. It's ridiculous I know. Maybe it isn't cupboards for you, maybe it's something else. For me in my life, I am just trying to figure out what is truly a big deal to me and what truly isn't. These cupboards will not effect my life for the worse and I can honestly say that we may have found our next apartment... ugly cupboards and all...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Plan

Well the plan today was to do a little shopping this morning for a almost 5 year old and then lay out in the sun all day...
I made Roger breakfast before his day of work and then grabbed my bag to head to the mall. I got to the stores and started to picking out some items and realized I left my wallet at home. I put everything back and headed home to enjoy the sun.

I got out to the pool and grab my latest Cooking Magazine and was soaking up the sun. It was going great until the sun decided to hide behind an ugly storm cloud forcing me inside for the afternoon. 

I read my magazine inside on the couch, cut coupons, and found some fabulous recipes. 

I have done some apartment hunting...again. I may have found one but in all honesty, I have said that before. We can't stay where we are because the cost is so high. We found an apartment we love but they may not have it open when we need it to be. It's just plain stressful.

So the plan for the remainder of the day is to grill out, maybe take a walk and enjoy a late night movie from our couch. Or who knows maybe something will change and we won't do any of that... 

Enjoy your Saturday... whatever your plan is!