Sunday, March 25, 2012

I've been busy...

The truth is I had to set a calendar reminder on my Blackberry to remind me to blog this week...

It's not that I don't want to blog, I love to blog. It's just that I have been busy, very busy.

Our home was filled with a long lost friend who needed compassion and love. It wasn't something I planned for but let me tell you God's timing is perfect. I actually think I walked away from that weekend more blessed than my friend was. It is truly amazing how good friends really seem be a gift from God.

I have been busy at work and I think I am finally starting to settle in. I have met a great person in customer service who really reminds me of my mom. I was able to share lunch with her and tell her a bit of my story. I think God placed this woman in my life to remind me of my home even though it's miles away.

One weekend my best friend and I spent hours apartment hunting and dreaming of our futures. We caught up over a favorite lunch spots in our normal booth. She is a wonderful blessing to me. We live a few miles away but we never see each other. We live separate lives but when our lives allow us to see each other, I often wonder why I don't see her every day? 

My husband and I have been busy preparing for him to go to Ethiopia this summer. We spent one afternoon stuffing envelopes and praying over this trip for him.  I am insanely jealous but am beyond thrilled that he will get to spend several days ministering with some of my favorite people. I know that he will come back changed and I cannot wait to see how that will impact our family. 

I've been busy making plans to travel back home for my baby brother's gradation in June. I cannot believe he is graduating. Oh my baby brother is growing up! I start to think about our trip and get giddy just knowing that I will see my mom, Jeanne, Dave, and family. I cannot help it but my mind is just busy with this trip. 

My heart has been busy. It has been breaking for those closest to me and weighing so heavily on me. I wake in the middle of the night just unsure of what to do. Grace and forgiveness are on my mind constantly but actually putting it into action is another hurdle for me to jump over. 

Of course the more I write how busy I am, I realize how blessed I am. It is one of the reasons I love to blog because it reminds me how much God has given me. How much He loves me and really does bless me every day. I would continue to write but I need to put another batch of cookies in the oven.

I will leave you with a picture of our "backyard" at our apartment...