Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I am sulking today. 

My family is back in New York and we are in North Carolina. 

All I have is the pictures that I was able to snap.

 Dawson really seemed to take to Uncle Roger. I loved watching Roger with his nephew. It makes me really excited for the future.

Jaxon loved Reid! He told his Mom on the way home that he wants all of us to live in one big house. 

It's amazing how quickly I fell in love with Dawson. 

 Of course, this little boy is my everything. He wore my Green Bay packers shirt to show his support. I cannot get enough of him.

My brother-in-laws and husband. I love their energy and their love for each other. Each Rose boy is so different but yet so much alike. I loved watching them interact this past week. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Jeanne and I  at the park. I am so glad that she made the trip down with Dave. It was Dawson's first big trip out and I am sure she would have rather stayed snuggled at home but they drove all the way down to be with us.

I am blessed beyond blessed. I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine!! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011


In my devotions today I read from the words of Paul. Have you ever noticed how thankful he is? It puts me to shame. It is November and this is the "month" of Thankfulness. I should have joined my friends and posted daily on my face book wall but I did not. So I am going to do it here instead. 30 days in November, 30 reasons to be thankful...

I am thankful for...

1- My relationship with Christ this year. It has grown in ways I did not know it could grow. He has opened my eyes to things beyond my wildest imagination.

2- My new church. They are preaching the Word of God. They are convicting me and helping to change me. It's been awhile since I have really felt convicted on Sundays.

3- Moving to North Carolina. Moving has ripped Roger and I out of our comfort zones. We depend on each other because that is all we have most days...

4- My sweet friends, John and Shannon. Conversations with them are refreshing. I love when we have each other over for dinner and get lost in conversation. I love laughing with them about funny marital problems we each have. They are more of a blessing than they know.

5- My husband. He has been my rock. He comforts me when I cry over a burnt meal, missing my mommy, or when I cry just because. He has shown compassion and love to me while I work through so many things.

6- My mom. She is the best. In one weekend she totally changed the look of our apartment. I am thankful that she sacrificed her finances to come see me a few weeks back. She always knows when I need her most.

7- My brother Caleb's random texts. He always puts a smile on my face.

8- Afternoon Facebook chats with my brother Nathan in Afghanistan. He is always so upbeat even though he is miles from home or family. He puts me to shame.

9- Nathan's safety while he fights for our country.

10- Sunday skype dates with Roger's family. I really look forward to hearing about everyone's week. I love seeing my brother-in-laws on the computer.

11- My job at MTS. I was supposed to be there 6 days and have been there for months and am hopeful that they will make me a permanent position.

12- Dave and Jeanne. Their adoption story has brought me to tears many times. I was there when they decided to adopt, I watched Jeanne struggle through so many things. They have taught me so much through this story. I cannot wait to have them in my house.

13- Jaxon's package of school paperwork. He wanted me to know what he was doing in school so he sent me his papers. I love that he thinks of me. He has the most tender heart.

14- Orphans and adoption; every story changes me and makes me more like Christ.

15- Jim and Tiffany for letting me walk in their adoption story. I cannot believe how one family's decision to adopt has completely changed my world.

16- My all better blanket. Yes, it is silly but I cannot help it.

17- Saturday morning waffles with my husband. It's a tradition that will stick.

18- The opportunity to cook my first Thanksgiving meal with a household bursting with family.

19- A clean apartment. I cannot even begin to tell you how much joy I take in a clean home.

20- Glory. She has forever changed Roger and I. Her letters are so thoughtful. I melt every time I see her signature because I know how much she cares for us.

21- Late night talks with Roger. We have the best time just lying in bed and talking. Sometimes it's about our childhoods or maybe about our futures. We normally end up laughing the hours away but  I wouldn't trade it for anything.

22- My health. God has kept me healthy and this is a huge blessing as I do not have health insurance right now. He always takes care of me.

23- Brand new candles lit in my apartment. There is just something wonderful about a new smell.

24- Chris Tomlin Pandora. The songs that play through that are never the same but they always touch my heart and sometimes I have to fight back tears.

25- A house full of photographs. I cannot imagine not having photos every where in my house. They help me remember so many precious moments.

26- A warm bubble bath after a long day. There is simply nothing better and if I wasn't blogging right now that is where I would be. It's really the simple things in life isn't it?

27- Lowes Grocery Store. They put together bags of groceries that you can purchase for the needy. They are committed to helping the poor and make it easy for others to help.

28- Friday drive home from work. If you work an 8-5 job you know that this is a great feeling.

29- Football. It is something that Roger and I do together. We look forward to the Packer's playing. We talk about it and it is a tradition to have football food when they play. 5 years ago, I never would have agreed to marry a guy who loves sports but I cannot imagine my world any other way.

30- This challenge of writing 30 things. I need to be more thankful. I need to tell people how thankful I am for them. I need to show that I have a thankful heard and this little challenge has done that. I am blessed. I could not ask for anything else in my life.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Never time to write...

I have been meaning to blog for weeks now.

 I want to share all about our church and how I really feel God there. I want you to know that I have never been to a church that is so real and authentic in it's teaching while still being biblical. I want you to feel my love for the gospel and how the more I study adoption, I feel closer to God. And as much as I want you to know these things, I never write.

I just spent the entire weekend with my mom. It was amazing. I miss her so much and cherish these moments with her. She completely changed my living room and bedroom with purchases of an entertainment center and bedding. We spent hours talking and sipping the best Ethiopian coffee. We shared church together and then a few tears when she left today.

I am busy at work and it's a good busy. God has blessed me. Earlier this week, I shared with the HR person that if for some reason the head AR position ever became available again that I would be willing to take it. I really wasn't sure what was going to happen but I knew the lady that they just hired was not catching on quick enough so it was a possibility. Well the other day, I was called into my boss's office and he asked me if I would like to take the position because they were letting the other girl go. Of course I accepted. The position came with a nice raise through my temp agency. Yup, you read right, still a temp. The controller for the accounting department is out on medical leave and no one wants to officially offer me the position until she gets back in December. I understand why they would like to wait until then. However, in the mean time, they want to learn as much as possible so when she gets back she would almost have to hire me. Pray that I will be able to learn as much as possible and that they will want to hire me come December 10th. I would love to have this job officially. I would love the stability. I know that God will provide and I continue to trust Him.

My house will be full in just a few weeks as my Father-in-laws, brothers, and cousins will be filling every corner of our house for Thanksgiving. I cannot wait to have everyone here. I really can't wait.

That's my update for now. I would write more but my dear husband is starving and I need to cook dinner. Until next time...