Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Lately, I have been in one of those moods, you know the kind that just stops you from wanting to do anything. The kind of mood that makes you grumble in your heart. Until recently, I have done nothing but grumble in my heart. I have been frustrated with my entire life. I go to school an hour away 5 days a week. This means that I spend on average 10 hours a week on the road. I hate that. I hate that I cannot have a normal college life. Last night I figured out that I spend about $250.00 a month or more on gas. I am spending more money on gas that I am on my car!! So what did I do? I grumbled! I also have taken a slight pay cut because of all of the time I spend at school. I grumbled. I am overwhelmed with my schooling. There is so much to do any not enough time to do it in. I have been in school for 3 days and all I do is grumble. Grumble, grumble, complain. complain, grumble...
Luckily, God has changed my heart. He has soften me. Now I am still frustrated over the amount of driving I do, or gas money that I spend, but I am looking at it differently. I guess I should be content and thankful for the fact that I have a car, money to pay for my gas, and the chance to go to school. I must be thankful. God will take care of me. I know that He will...
Time is up... that was fun. I should just journal randomly like this more often! :-)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
God of All Comfort
- 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Thursday, January 21, 2010
My last day off...
Yesterday I was able to organize and file all of my school papers. This includes my taxes from 3 years ago, all of my FASFA paperwork, my health insurance, and student loans! What a project but it is done! I was able to work in my visual journal! I did like 5 pages! Very relaxing. I was able to read through my Bridal Bargain book that Roger and I recently bought. There are some great ideas in this book! This morning, I had the privilege of playing with my cousins. We went outside and played in the snow and then came in and made these adorable snowman!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I have been in of those blah moods. I don't feel like doing anything. I have just wanted to sit in my room and cry... It's pathetic really. I cannot really explain it. Today, Shannon brought me coffee and we sat and chatted. It was so nice to see that she was going through the same thing as me!! We both decided that we needed some quality time with our guys. School is starting soon and it's just such a stressful time for us. We both get physically sick when we go into the new semester. We need that time to just catch up and enjoy the loves of our lives. I have been dropping hints left and right that I want to go on a date and finally Roger asked me out ;-) I am really excited about our date. It has been a very long time. So yeah, I am hoping that this quality time with Roger will help ease into my new semester...
So that's my update for today...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Attempt 1
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
1-About once a week, when I am lying in bed, I let my mind wander. I instantly swell up in tears and spent the next 30 minutes telling myself that my brother will not die when he gets deployed in less than 4 days. I have not talked to anyone about my brother leaving, not even my fiance. I feel like if I talk about it, it might come true. I have actually thought about not calling my brother before he leaves that way life will feel normal. I decided against that.
2- I was dumped December 18th, 2007. Three weeks later I went to a basketball game with my friend Jena. I knew Roger would be there. Roger ended up holding my hand there. I did not like Roger at that point. I did not want anything more than a simple flirting relationship (yes I was young and stupid). I actually swore that I would never see him again. He, after all, was not my type!! And now...we are engaged!! I am happy to say that God's plans were better than mine.
3- No one ever believes this one but Roger is the only guy that I have ever kissed! My first boyfriend did not kiss me. I had several flings and never let them come close to kissing me. My last boyfriend, I begged to kiss me but he never did. I believe that God allowed me to keep my first kiss so I could only ever kiss one boy in my life. I think that it is awful romantic! Don't you?!?!
4- I have been told, on many occasions, that I should be a teacher. I teach private and group lessons at my YMCA, I have taught at the camp that I used to work at, I make special time in my busy life to take a certain little girl swimming, and I have just signed on to be a Swim Coach! The problem is that I hate teaching. I mean really hate it. I dread getting into the water to explain freestyle for the umpteenth time. Even as I write this, I am dreading go to my lessons for the twin boys I have. However, when I open my mouth to start to teach, I know that God is with me because this nice and steady tone comes out and I can explain freestyle to anyone. It is quite amazing but I still hate teaching.
5- I used to hate my best friend, Shannon. We were inseparable until she started to date my ex-boyfriend, John. At the time, my life was ruined. I did not allow God to work through my life and heal my heart. Instead, I was selfish and lost years of our friendship. It was a silly mistake! Now we get together every week and are thoroughly enjoying each other. I also know now that John is a great fit for Shannon!! They are a great couple. I love them both!
6- I cannot cook. I have these great ideas about cooking wonderful, delicious meals for my family. But I cannot do it. I am excited to practice on Roger when he moves here! I hope that I can learn a few things and have some good meals under my belt for when we get married.
7- I rarely rarely feel pretty or attractive. I have very low self esteem. I think that because of that I invest in silly things like getting my nails done, my eye brows waxed, or expensive hair cuts just because I think that it makes me feel better.
So there you have it. Those are my honest truths. I hope you enjoy reading them.
Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Got it!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Addicted to Organizing!
Maybe you don't see what I see in the above picture but I see DISASTER!!!! Clothes are thrown everywhere, nothing is in it's place, the bed is not made, my purse is lying on the floor instead of on the desk, my make up is spread oh my!! It is a mess...
However, I have been spending days thinking about "spring" cleaning my room. I lie in my bed at night thinking about where I should move things, what project to start with, and what things I must get rid of! I absolutely love love love cleaning and organizing! Some people spend money on organizing books. People tell them how to sort and separate things, how to keep your house clutter free ect. I laugh at these books! I was born with the gift at organizing and sometimes forget that other people don't see things the way I do. I really don't have any secrets, most things I come up with on my own, but I will share with you two tips that I live by!
1- Invest in some good plastic organizers. I LIVE BY THESE! I have some for my makeup, my underwear, socks, camis ect. I have storage bins that are labeled with the contents that are inside. ( Save your bins! Don't right in permanent marker, type it up and tape it on the bin!!) Also, I use simple things that are found around my home to store things in. I have a cup that holds all of my makeup brushes and a champagne glass that holds my over sized jewelry! Keep it simple :-)
2- Besides seasonal items, if it hasn't been worn or used in 6 months THROW IT OUT!!! If you haven't used in the past 6 months, you will not use it again! Now I know there are exceptions like holiday items or baby items that you know you will use, but that sweater that hangs in your closet that you are saving because you may wear it sometime...get rid of it. You won't use it! I promise you won't! Every 6 months I go through my closet and give away bags and bags of clothes and trust me I always find things to wear! I also use this practice with shoes, purses, perfumes, and lotions. Certain things just take up so much room and collect dust so don't keep them either throw them away or give them away!
So those are the two tips that i followed when cleaning out my closest... here is the after picture of my closet...
So that is what consumed my day. I must say that I think I own a ton of clothes! Sadly, I didn't even show you my other dressers..yes I said dressers because I have more than one! Oh my!! The only way that I can keep all of my clothes is to continual stay organized!! Give it a try, you may find that it is fun and slightly addicting!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
My Big Surprise...

Roger standing in the middle of my living room with a dozen pink roses, rose petals thrown all over the floor and about 30 lit candles accompanying the flowers. Roger said this beautiful speech that I really don't remember because I was shaking at the words that Roger was saying. He got down on one knee and asked the timeless question, "Will You Marry Me?" Of course, I said yes!! It was such a surprise. I had no idea it was coming! It was perfect. Everything about it was perfect! It hasn't really hit me that I am now engaged. Someday I will be a Mrs! How exciting :-) So now you guys get to read about my big wedding plans for the next year and a half. I can't wait to start planning, to try on dresses, to pick out colors, to test taste cakes, to find an apartment, to pick out dishes, to find towels...oh my the list goes on and on! What a great adventure!! :-)