Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday's with Bethany

How do I ever have the strength to get through my days?!?! Today is Tuesday which means my alarm goes off at 4:48AM! I have to be at work by 5:20. I pretty much roll out of bed, brush my teeth, and go to work. I fight through the sick feeling that I get up every morning that I get up that early. I lifeguard from 5:30am-1:00pm. It seems like a long shift and it is, but there are always people to brigthen my day. This morning, my favorite, yankeey loving old guy Tom brought me breakfast!!! He does this every Tuesday :-) I also know all of the members by name and they know me. I enjoy catching up on their weekends and talking about the newest town news. It is really a blessing to be so connected to the members at the pool. After all of that lifeguarding, I have two hours of office hours. During this time, I make schedules, fix current lifeguard problems, clean and organize the pool (which is my favorite thing to do!), schedule classes for different members, put lifeguards through orientation, and eat lunch! After my busy office hours, I teach 4 classes/2 hours of swim lessons. I wish I could explain how much I dislike teaching but I cannot find the words. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy watching kids finally get the butterfly or freestyle, but the process is what kills me!! It is very tiring and I could spend a whole blog entry on lessons alone. After lessons, I come home eat a quick dinner, normally by myself then pack for Wednesday and Thursday. Tonight I should be studying for a test but I decided to clean my room and do laundry and sneak in some time to blog... :-)

How do I manage all of this? I have to no idea!! Everyone I know tells me I am crazy and I am burning myself out. My lifeguards have even asked me how I handle full time work and full time school and a long distance relationship! I wish I could share a secret formula about how to manage life. I would like to say that I am an expert in time management but I am not. The only answer I have for you is Christ. Somehow, even though I neglect Him somedays, He gets me up in the mornings. He is my driving force though I do not always give Him the time of day. I am so thankful that He takes care of me. I would be lost without Him. I know that my days could be worse if He wasn't in my life. So that is my answer. God. Christ. The King of Kings. The Lord of Lords. The God of all Creation. My Heavenly Father...

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