Sunday, March 3, 2013

At the top

I am devouring Jen Hatmaker's book "Interrupted" I find that each page rings some truth in my life. I want to be very careful not to just read the chapter and move on, I want to apply what I am learning and do something. I think we as Christians are called to be much more than hearers of the Word but actually doers of the Word. (Don't amen me yet, have you actually read the Scriptures? Scary stuff in there)

Here's where my thoughts landed for the night:

"When Jesus said, 'It is easier fot a camal to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God' (Matthew 19:24), I now understand that's me. And you. The higher wer are, the harder it is to adopt the heart of Christ. I supposed that's why Americans are the richest people on the earth but plagued with depression  suicide  and loneliness  We're furthest from the freedom that exists only at the bottom, and that liberation money can't buy" Interrupted pg 68

For many years I think I have had this backwards, I strived for the top. You know what's at the top for me? Worry-free living with all the money I could imagine, money to provide me with a huge house with the latest stainless steel appliances, cars, easy living, and a perfect master bedroom. A perfect stress free job where I look forward to waking up to. Oh and the perfectly dressed children with the world's best manners. The easy Christian life where I go to church and never get plugged in or make a difference. Ahh yes, the top.

But is that really where it's at? Is the top what I am living for? Is the top my goal? I don't want it to be. I want it to be at the bottom where Christ is. He came into this world in a stable, He did not have riches beyond riches or a fancy house off in the country side. He was not best friends with people who had the nicest things. He surrounded Himself with the least of these. He walked among the ones I may pass by. He spent time with the widow, orphan, prostitute, homeless, blind, and cripple.  Luke 6:20 records "Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of God" 

And yet, I have been working my way up the ladder to the top where Christ does not say blessed are the ones at the top, no, He says quite the opposite. Does it mean Roger and I are to give away all our money? Maybe. Does it mean we should take the less comfortable house so we can help someone else? Maybe. Does it mean giving up my Starbucks so I can turn that 4 bucks into a meal for the homeless shelter I could donate to? Not sure, but it could.

I am not trying to guilt anyone into anything or make you feel like your possessions are evil, I am trying to find the balance (if there is one!) about living on this earth, doing His work, and not trying to climb to the top. It's a rough road but then again whoever said the Christian life would be easy? 

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