Sunday, September 29, 2013

Meet The Darlings & Mercy Branch

Their son, Scotty and I at a family wedding
The Darling's are one of my most favorite families in the world. They are genuine, compassionate, Christ-followers who welcomed me into their family as one of their own; they are the real deal. I don't remember when they became my family but it happened and now they are stuck with me.

I met Jim and Tiffany before they had kids but really didn't get to know them until after their daughter Cadi was born. I think it was that second summer at BaYouCa when I really got to know them and the relationship just continued. They have been with me through my journey. Jim was there for me, standing in the middle of the field at camp when I announced my family was being torn apart again. He was there for me when I started to date a guy from his home church. I just found a Facebook message from when I was first interested in Roger and I asked Jim to see what kind of guy Roger was. They welcomed me into their home to love on their kiddos and eventually their kids became my sister and my brothers.

My first brown-eyed love, Jamesy
Tiffany completely changed my view on life when they announced that they were adopting Jamesy. I actually remember where I was on the BU campus when they called to tell me, I was ridiculously excited and had no idea what it would mean for my own life. Soon our conversations changed, no longer were we talking Coach bags but instead having conversations about the least of these and what that means in our lives. Tiffany changed my life by her faith story and Jim changed me with his soft spot for families and watching him break over both of his sons being stuck in Ethiopia. They have completely ruined me but in the best way possible.

Roger's buddy, Habi. You know what I mean?
Jim and Tiffany changed my husband's view on life when they took him to ET for a missions trip. He came back a different man. He had the eyes of Jesus, he saw people differently and he cared for people differently. I am forever grateful to Jim and Tiffany for asking Roger to go to Africa.

I dug out Roger's journal to share a part with you and show you his heart. He was sitting in church listening and crying while praise and worship was going on. A little girl about 8 years old sat with him and he fell in love. This is what he has to say, " She was a little taller than my waist, very short black curly hair and a beautiful smile. I wanted to ask if she had a family but it didn't feel appropriate. It pained me so much to leave her. That was definitely the most real adoption has been to me. I definitely want to unconditionally love someone that has no one to love them." 

Jim and Tiffany have done so much for Roger and I and truthfully I could go on and on but I won't because it is time for Roger and I to do something for them.

Tiffany and I, a picture I cherish. 
A little over a month ago, they asked us to help be apart of the 501c3 corporation that they were starting. We instantly said yes not knowing what it entailed. The corporation is called Mercy Branch and it is based out of North Carolina. Currently, we both sit on the board for Mercy Branch and are helping them get to Africa. As board members, we were asked to help fund raise to help offset the cost of them moving over to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Their heart is with the 150,000 children that roam the streets of Ethiopia, one I am particularly fond of but that is a different story. They want to disciple, love and train them to be men and women of God. Check out the full story here at Mercy Branch.

They cannot get there on their own means and have reached out to us to see if we can assist. Jim has prayerfully asked each board member to raise $5,000 which means for Roger and I, we are looking to raise $10,000. Truthfully, when we first got the email we both were like oh great, no way can we do that but the more we talked about it and prayed about it we truly believe God can do anything.

So here's what we did... we took our guest room door and put 100 note cards on the back of it and we are asking 100 people to give $100 or more as they feel led. When someone gives $100 or we get the equivalent of $100, we will write the names on the cards and update you guys on how it is going. I know this seems like a huge task but when I look at our Facebook friends alone, I have 275 friends and Roger has 413 this means that we could really get to our goal if only a small percentage donated!

You should know that we would not ask you to donate to an organization that we did not fully trust and support. (In case you aren't sure, we back this organization and family up 100%). We also will support Mercy Branch with our own finances and will be making sacrifices to be able to do so. We are committing to $200 for this pledge and believe that God is also asking us to give as monthly supporters down the road.

So you see, we really only have 98 left to go! Can you be one of our 100? If so, Mercy Branch offers secure giving through their online site. (Give here) Or you can mail a check to Mercy Branch at PO Box 80023 Raleigh NC 27623.

If you do decide to give as apart of the 100 people we need to reach our goal, can you send me an email so I can update my board?

My sister Cadi with me on my wedding day
Roger and I have prayed over each of these cards and we truly do believe that God can do anything. I do hope you consider giving and praying for Jim and Tiffany and Mercy Branch because God is going to do great things through them and He gets all the glory for this!

I guess I should mention that they are not perfect people and they are human (have you ever been in a car with Jim in downtown Washington, DC?) They are not holier than us because they are going to Africa nor does Jesus love them more for adopting and caring for street boys. They are following God's calling in their lives and being obedient to His word. It looks different for all of us so please don't think I am sitting here judging you because I am not. I simply love these people, I love their heart and I support God's calling in their lives that is why Roger and I are asking you to donate because we believe God is going to continue to use them in our lives and as well as the lives of the people of Ethiopia.

So what do you say? Ready to help out our dear friends? We sure hope so :) 

Also, I swear there is a guy named Jim in this family, I just have no photos of us... :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Abundance of Possessions

I struggle with materialism.

I want things, nice things and sometimes will do anything to get them. I fall into the American Dream of the white picket fence and a house filled with welcoming signs and decorations on every wall. I fall into the idea that I need new outfits when things don't fit right or that I deserve a new bathroom set because I am bored with mine. After all, I work hard for my stuff, right? 

Wrong, oh so wrong. And I am reminded of that all of the time. I have a boy miles away who has nothing, literally nothing and sometimes just needs a few dollars to feed his family. I have friends selling everything they own to follow Christ's leading in their life to move to Ethiopia and I have a compassion child who survives on next to nothing but still is so happy. With all of these examples in my life, I still don't get it. I still battle every. single. day. Pinterest, friends, co-workers, magazines and TV; just about everything I see speaks for more while I want less. 

And today as I sit nursing a cold, I am once again faced with scripture that speaks exact opposite of my materialistic heart and I am ashamed. I am ashamed that I store my treasures here on earth. I am ashamed that I have to be taught this lesson again...

Here's the scripture...

"Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest.  He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.'“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”  “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you.Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God." Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes." -Luke 12:13-23

So now my question is what do I do? How do I guard my heart from wanting more when Jesus has just stated that life does not consist in an abundance of possessions. Roger and I have taken some very practical steps to help against this especially when it comes to gift giving around every holiday but what about every day life? What about the moment in the store when I have to have it?

This is where my heart is at. I have no answers to my questions yet. I do not want to meaninglessly go through my house and get rid of items we do not use, although that may be a good start. I want to be purposeful with my purchases and purposeful with my life. I want someone to walk into my life and know that there is something different not just because I am a Christian but because I am living the way the Christ of the Bible told us to live. Now where to start? 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I asked... When do I receive?

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" Matthew 7:7

Isn't that the nice warm fuzzy verse we all love to read? It sounds like all we have to do is ask and it will be given to me. What a great idea, ask and I get what I want. Well let me burst your warm bubble (and mine!), it hasn't worked for me. I have asked for lots of things... lots and lots of things but I haven't received them. So is Jesus a liar? 

The answer is no, heck no to be more specific. I came across this verse today and was in tears because finally I see where I am going wrong... 

"When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you spend what you get on your pleasures. James 4:3

Ouch. That one hit me right between the eyes. I ask ALL.THE.TIME. but Jesus knows my heart and does not give me what I ask for because I am asking with a jealous, angry, bitter, ect. heart. I am not asking for something with the intention of giving God all of the glory. It normally is opposite of that for me, I am asking to better benefit me, myself and I.

For example, I have been asking God to give me and my fellow Christian co-workers a more kind, tender-hearted, positive attitude. Why? Frankly, so I enjoy coming to work in the morning, so I don't dread dealing with difficult people, so I can have a cozy office life with no problems. Why hasn't God given me what I want? Maybe because I am making it all about me  probably... no definitely because I am making it all about me. What in my prayer instead was "God when I see darkness or poor attitudes in the office, give me the words to say to point them to You. Let me be a witness for You and make it about you instead of about me" I am guessing it would change things where I work and give God the glory instead of myself an easier day.  

I am not sure what you are asking for, maybe a wife or husband, more money, peace in your family. or health for loved ones, a better job, a happier work environment  or normalcy in a busy life? Instead of asking so it's all about you, maybe it's time to refocus our thoughts and heart to make it all about God.

Maybe if we asked with the right motives (which requires a true heart change) God would give us what we really want. After all, God wants to give us gifts and give us what we ask for...

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

Monday, May 27, 2013

Two years, 100 More to Go!

It's been two years since our wedding day. I can't believe it. Some days it feels like we have been married for 50 years, other days it seems like I just woke up to my new husband. Marriage was the best decision that I made in my life. 

I love this man. I love the family we are building. I love our every days together and the moments we spend giggling over a commercial. I love football games snuggled on the couch and late night talks while watching re-runs of our favorite shows. I love that I get to call him mine. I love that I have his last name. I love how leads our family. I love his heart for the least of these. I love how hard he works for our family. Truthfully, I am madly in love with Roger. I never thought that our marriage would be this good and this strong. I know tough times will come but we will be together and that is the greatest thing in the world. 

I cannot wait to see what the future holds. Happy Anniversary, Roger. Here's to 100 more years of marriage!! 

My favorite wedding photo of all time!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

New Winds.

Bear with me as I stumble through this blog post, I have so many thoughts and cannot seem to string them together ...

I am thankful for a church that preaches the gospel. A pastor who is not afraid to stand up and say things like as wonderful as animals are, they will not get into heaven. And we can spend hours fighting for proper education for our children but a well-educated man will still spend eternity in hell. Death is 100% certain so why do we spend our time on things that are not furthering eternity instead of pouring our lives into people?

I am thankful for a friend who let me borrow her copy of "Interrupted" which shows a God-centered journey of a family pouring their life into social justice, caring for the poor, loving the homeless and being a barefoot church. I am thankful for the the truth it is speaking into my heart. I am thankful to not be alone when I struggle with a grace-filled life versus a legalistic life.

I am thankful for my husband who graciously empty out his wallet to Linda, a lady who spends her days on the street corner where he works. I am thankful to have shook hands with her while the cars behind us were growing angry. I am thankful that she knew Roger's name when she walked over to us, and how sincere she said "God Bless you both" while I held back tears thinking "No, God bless you for what you just did for me. I was shocked to hear my sweet husband recite details of Linda's life, things he learned when he was walking back and forth to work without a car. I was humbled when I learned he had driven her to her motel miles away one night so she didn't have to take the bus.

I am thankful for Christ opening up my eyes and letting me see the needs of others. For so long I felt as if I were missing something. You know going through the motions, sitting in the same spot every Sunday, having the same conversations with the same people who are doing nothing... missing it. I couldn't really believe that the life I was living was what God had called me to live.  I feel a new wind blowing through my life, I feel God as clear as I feel a hug from my husband. I know He is up to something more in my life. I could not be more excited and terrified at the same time. Maybe you are where I am?

"We can't ignore God's ways and expect to maintain His favor. We don't get to neglect the major values of the gospel and claim preference or context. The demands of church leadership- and, more importantly  of living our lives- never come with a permission slip to act contrary to our heritage in Christ." Jen Hatmaker

Sunday, March 3, 2013

At the top

I am devouring Jen Hatmaker's book "Interrupted" I find that each page rings some truth in my life. I want to be very careful not to just read the chapter and move on, I want to apply what I am learning and do something. I think we as Christians are called to be much more than hearers of the Word but actually doers of the Word. (Don't amen me yet, have you actually read the Scriptures? Scary stuff in there)

Here's where my thoughts landed for the night:

"When Jesus said, 'It is easier fot a camal to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God' (Matthew 19:24), I now understand that's me. And you. The higher wer are, the harder it is to adopt the heart of Christ. I supposed that's why Americans are the richest people on the earth but plagued with depression  suicide  and loneliness  We're furthest from the freedom that exists only at the bottom, and that liberation money can't buy" Interrupted pg 68

For many years I think I have had this backwards, I strived for the top. You know what's at the top for me? Worry-free living with all the money I could imagine, money to provide me with a huge house with the latest stainless steel appliances, cars, easy living, and a perfect master bedroom. A perfect stress free job where I look forward to waking up to. Oh and the perfectly dressed children with the world's best manners. The easy Christian life where I go to church and never get plugged in or make a difference. Ahh yes, the top.

But is that really where it's at? Is the top what I am living for? Is the top my goal? I don't want it to be. I want it to be at the bottom where Christ is. He came into this world in a stable, He did not have riches beyond riches or a fancy house off in the country side. He was not best friends with people who had the nicest things. He surrounded Himself with the least of these. He walked among the ones I may pass by. He spent time with the widow, orphan, prostitute, homeless, blind, and cripple.  Luke 6:20 records "Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of God" 

And yet, I have been working my way up the ladder to the top where Christ does not say blessed are the ones at the top, no, He says quite the opposite. Does it mean Roger and I are to give away all our money? Maybe. Does it mean we should take the less comfortable house so we can help someone else? Maybe. Does it mean giving up my Starbucks so I can turn that 4 bucks into a meal for the homeless shelter I could donate to? Not sure, but it could.

I am not trying to guilt anyone into anything or make you feel like your possessions are evil, I am trying to find the balance (if there is one!) about living on this earth, doing His work, and not trying to climb to the top. It's a rough road but then again whoever said the Christian life would be easy? 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Misdirected Passion

This may come as a surprise to some of you but I  love football. I mean LOVE, LOVE football... My husband tells me all the time that he created a monster. You see when we first started to date, I could care less about this sport. I did not get it and  actually found it rather boring. However, my husband's family really enjoys sports so every Sunday, I would spend the afternoon watching the game. I was kind of impressed at how much everyone knew about the game and how they could argue back and forth over a call or know when a little play-action was coming and yet there I sat in the dark. 

Well to impress my boyfriend at the time, I decided to read a book on football, I think it was called "Football for Dummies." The book really helped me grasp basic understanding of the game plus watching it every Sunday really helped. Naturally I chose to follow Roger and be a Green Bay Packer's fan. When I became a fan, Favre was retiring(ish) and Aaron Rodgers led us to a 6-8 season  (I believe) so I didn't fall in love instantly with the game. As time went on, I found myself talking about the game, asking questions, understanding rivals, momentarily cheering for the Giants, and listening to anyone who talked football. 

To get to my point, yesterday the Packer's were in a play off game. Play-offs are what get you to the super bowl and it is a big deal. Aaron Rodger's is a fantastic QB so I thought we had a chance, I had a knot in my stomach all day. I wore my green jersey during the day and wore my white jersey at night since that is what I wore all season. (Yup. Superstitious) We started off well with a Pick Six and then well we lost... big time! The other QB was better and scored a few touch downs on us and we couldn't come back. I got angry that we were losing and upset that our defense could do nothing against the other team. I was upset when I went to bed and needed to talk it out with Roger and try to figure out where we went wrong. Truth be told, I was a mess. 

However, today is a new day and as I sat in church I felt this tug on my heart as our Pastor taught me something new in the book of Acts, a book I have read a dozen times before. All I could think about was the fact that my passion seems misdirected. I literally felt terrible after we lost last night but I am not sure I have felt the same over sin in my life. I am not sure I could say that I understand the simple truths of the Bible. I know I do not find myself talking about Christ as I go through my day or actively look for people who are. Sure I am passionate about somethings in the Bible but I am not as passionate as I should be. I could truly rejoice with those who are rejoicing over a victory over sin or I could fill my brain with verses instead of football knowledge.

Today I was reminded of the fact that I fill my time and energy with what is important to me. It could be organizing, football, reading or cleaning whatever it is, the Word of God seems to come second. I spend more time making sure I understand what is going on in the NFL than opening up the Scriptures. This has to change and not just because the Packers are riding the bench until next year, I mean really a heart change must happen and I honestly pray that it does. I want to be known as a follower of Christ not known by my hobbies or interests.

Just to challenge you, what in your life are you more passionate about than God?