Sunday, November 11, 2012

Another Week of Thankfulness

I thought I would try and continue my Thankfulness posts and do another week of what I am thankful for.

6- I am thankful for housework.

Oh my husband is probably laughing at me right now about this one but the truth is, I am thankful for house work. I enjoy keeping a clean house, folding laundry, vacuuming and keeping things in order. When I start to complain or think that I cannot start one more load of laundry, I am reminded of that fact that some do not have this opportunity. Some people do not have a home right now because of natural disastrous or because they live in a third world country and don't have this American Luxury. Yes, I am thankful for housework.

7- I am thankful for my in-laws who raised my husband, Beth and Mike.

I met Roger when he was 17 years old, I did not know him for the first 17 years of his life but his parents did. His parents were there for everything. They were there for his first steps, when he needed discipline, his first basketball games, through what I am sure were awkward Jr. High years, through high school and the rest of his life. They guided him to go to church and serve others. They taught him right from wrong and how to love on others. They molded his heart into a passionate man whether Roger decided to show it on the basketball court, towards his brothers, or as he cared for others, they taught him passion. The truth is that they helped make him into the man that I would spend the rest of my life with and for that I am thankful for them. Without Roger's parents being a constant presence in his life, Roger would not be in my life. 

8- I am thankful for my church.

I have said it before and I am sure I will say it again; I am thankful for a church that weekly challenges me. I am thankful for a Pastoral Staff that is not afraid to share the word of God and His truths when other churches would rather not deal with those sticky situations. I am thankful for the body of Christ.

9- I am thankful for my brother, Nathan. 

I could go on and on about what I am thankful for this guy but the truth is, today I am thankful that he gave up 4 years of his life for my freedom. I am thankful for his service to our country. I am thankful for his wife Lorin for all the sacrifices that she has had to make because of my brother's service. I am proud of my brother and the choices he has made. Maybe one day we will be on the same coast! 

10- I am thankful for my youngest bother, Caleb.

Same story, different brother. I am so thankful for Caleb. He has grown into such a wonderful young man. He is hard working and committed. He is always willing to help out and serve others. He has the most tender heart of anyone I know. I am thankful he is my brother, I would be more thankful if he would move to North Carolina (Wink, Wink) 

11- I am thankful for peanut butter cups, homemade peanut butter cups.

Seriously, do I need to say more? 

12- I am thankful that this time next week, I won't be able to blog.

Okay, I may be able to blog but why would I want to when my adorable nephews and favorite couple are coming to visit me? I will be on my belly playing with the boys and enjoying sweet conversation with Dave and Jeanne. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


November in my opinion is the month of thankfulness and gratitude. There are so many things that I am thankful for and when I think about how blessed I am, I am brought to tears. I thought I would try to weekly post about what I am thankful for. 5 days into November, I am going to come up with 5 things I am thankful for. These are in no particular order :)

1- I am thankful for Skype...

As you know, we moved hundreds of miles away from my family and Skype is a God sent! I love that a simple application can keep my connected with all my family. I look forward to Sunday evening Skype dates with Roger's dad and brothers. I love it when I get a text message saying my nephews would like to Skype with me. I love that I can access it on my phone and in a pinch Skype in the car or at 7:30 in the morning. 

2- I am thankful for my Community Group

I am a shy person when it comes to meeting new people, I hate to open up and share my story. I do not trust easily and I do not like when I am confronted about my sin. The good news is that my Community Group does not care about any of that. They are the most wonderful group of men and women. They genuinely love God and have a desire to see God change their lives. They have stretched me, forced me to share my story, to open up about my life, and gently encouraged me in my walk with Christ. They have opened up their homes to me and even trusted Roger and I with their children. They are a blessing and part of the reason why I love being where we are. 

3- I am thankful for my new friend, Chelsea

There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for my new friend. It is so nice to have a friend where I work, she helps me get through those long days. I look forward to our daily breaks and walks to the water station, our Friday lunches, our count downs to 5PM, and our spark conversations throughout the day. We have enjoyed dinner out, walks around the block, recently a trailer grocery store shopping trip and several good conversations. It's truly a blessing to call her my friend. 

4- I am thankful for Christian Music

I am thankful for Christian music. I love listening to K-Love to and from work. I love that a certain song can change my day around. It seems like God always has me listening just at the right moment and the song is something that my heart needs to hear.  

5- I am thankful for my Mom

As you may know, my mom came down for a quick 48 hour trip to NC. I am really thankful that she took time out of her busy life to make the trip down here. We spent a whole weekend shopping and chatting. I loved getting up at 7AM just to sip on coffee and talk with her. She is a wonderful mom to me. It is so hard to not be able to see her every day but it makes our time together so much sweeter.