I am going to share a secret with you! Are you ready? I like order. *GASP* Okay, okay, it's not really a secret! I mean who doesn't know that I like order?!?!
For school, I like check lists. Each week, I make of lists of things that must be accomplished, a list of things that would be nice to accomplish and a list of things to work ahead on. I then take those lists and break them down into small chunks of work. Each day has different tasks. I feel that this is easier than just keeping one big list because I often get
overwhelmed if I do not feel like I am accomplishing something. For instance, today on my list: Read chapter 13 and 14 of my
IBUS book, Read chapter 20 of my Accounting, Finish my accounting homework, and do my devotions. I was able to cross of those things off my list. I do not think about tomorrow's list just today. I will be honest here, sometimes I make lists just so I can cross things off!
When it comes to my work life, I also crave order. I have a planner that only holds my work schedule. It tells me when I have lessons, classes to teach, guarding hours, and when I need to schedule some office hours for myself. It also holds check lists of items to be done at the pool. ( The task today, clean out the guard shelf!! Gross!) I always tell people that if I ever lost my planners I wouldn't know where I was supposed to be.
When it comes to my home life, order is there as well. My room is almost ALWAYS in perfect condition. By that I mean, my bed is always made, my vanity is clean, my laundry is folded, put away by color and use, there is rarely any dust, and my floor is
vacuumed 3 times week. I also plan out what I will wear every day and what I need the next day. For example, I just finished packing for tomorrow. I have my school clothes in one pile, my work clothes are in my car already for after work, my school bag is packed for tomorrow, and I have my
pjs out for tomorrow night. Tomorrow morning, I will lay out my clothes for Wednesday into Thursday. I know you are thinking I am crazy! But I never have to worry about what I will wear! When I was in
High school, it took me hours to get ready. Now, I can shower, do my hair, and makeup in less than 30 minutes. I like order. Have I said that already?
When it comes to my relationship, Roger knows what he is getting into. When I go to his house, sometimes he won't let me in his room because I will have to organize and clean it. I want his life to flow like mine does. However, I know that he does not share the same love for order. We have already talked about how our lives will blend together when we are married. He is hoping that our bedroom can be a mess like his is now! HA! That will never happen.
I believe in order. I believe that it makes your life 100 times easier. You never have to guess where something is, what to wear, or when your next appointment is. Sure, it takes some time up front to make sure things are in place, but it pays off in the end.
My problem is that I have a very sour spirit when things are changed around on me. For example, if I planned to study for a test on Monday and I was called into work, making me unable to finish my plan, I am not a happy camper. I am trying to be flexible. I am working on letting every day life happen. I do not want to miss any moments. It is very hard for me to just sit back and let life happen without a plan but I also will admit that it is more rewarding than order. Life is happening to me now and I am loving what it is doing. But remember, I like {LOVE} order...