Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Changes

How to start this post...
I have been on spring break this week and I must say that I have not missed school at all. It has been a nice break for me. The one thing that I have missed a ton is Roger. Roger started a new job this week. He started the cleaning position at the YMCA. The hours are perfect for him. He works very late at night normally 7:00-1:00AM. He loves being up late at night. He turns on his ESPN radio on his Ipod and cleans away. It is about 30 hours a week. Its the perfect amount of hours. He is finally making the money that he needs. Its the perfect financial security for him...

What's not perfect? Well, we didn't think about how our schedules would not longer mesh. I do not get to see Roger during the week like I used to. I see him through the glass walls at the Y. I get to have lunch with him sometimes. But as of right now, I am sitting home alone and Roger hasn't been over all week. I will not see him until Friday. The other thing that is not perfect is that I am not able to really talk to him like I normally do at night. We do get to talk some but it is not the same knowing that he is preoccupied. I miss him. I miss our conversations. I miss cuddling with him on my couch.

I know that this is a good move for us but I need to adjust to our new routine. I am praying that my heart will change. I am praying that this will prove to be a good move. Just continue to pray with me while my heart changes...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reoccurring {Dream} Nightmare

For the past several nights I find myself awake in the middle of the night after having the same dream. I get a call one day that my birth father, Mark has passed away and I should go back to the house that I grew up in to see if there is anything that I want. For some reason, I have my friends Jim and Tiffany drive me there with Roger. I see my childhood house. It is a trailer with a living room addition. It looks the same way that I did when I was there more than 13 years ago. I walk up the sidewalk that I helped pour when I was just a little girl. I walk up the stairs and into our mud room. I dream it just like it was when I left that house. There is NASCAR stuff all over the walls in the mud room and I continue to walk through until I come to the living room. In the middle of the floor is a star that Mark laid into our wood floor. In the middle of the star is a checker board so we could always play games if we wanted. I run my hands over the board. Everything is the same. I look over at Jim, Tiffany, and Roger and look at them as they observe my childhood house. I feel embarrassedand ashamed. I grew up in a very unclean house. It was a trailer and it lived up to that name. I glance over at the wall and see pictures of me, my brothers, and my half sisters. I take a step closer and see letters and pictures that I drew for Mark when I was a very little girl. He has everything taped up. He only has pictures of me until I was 7 because my mom took us kids and left that house forever. In my dream, I start to cry. I am shaking and I feel so upset that I never let Mark know me as a young woman. I turn to my friends and I tell them that I should have written Mark a letter and sent him pictures of me while I was growing up. In my dream, I am now crying so hard that I am actually crying in my sleep. I finally wake myself and my pillow is actually soaked with tears. I feel so upset that I never let Mark know me. I think to myself that I really should just forgive and forget. I think about how I wish I could run up to Mark while he is still alive and have him hold me like that father that I desperately want him to be. I think about telling him that I love him and that I forgive him for everything he has done. Then my mind changes. I think to myself I cannot forgive him. This is the father who abused my mother sexually, emotionally, and physically. This is the father who physically abused my brother. This is the father who would get so mad at me that he would punch holes in my walls. This is the father that sexually abused my half sisters. This is the father who would punish me if I came out in the middle of the night while he was watching his porn. This is the father who decided that I was not important enough to see after my mother had left. This is the father who broke my heart and who skewed my view of every man that ever entered my life. How can I forgive that man?

That is why this post is titled Reoccurring {Dream} Nightmare. My biggest dream is also my biggest nightmare. I haven't figured out why I am having these dreams. To be honest, I haven't even started to pray about it because I am TERRIFIED of what God will do with this situation. I have turn it over to God. I need a good nights sleep. I will pray that God will start to work through these issues. I am not looking to forgive and forget just yet, I am looking to God for comfort first. I will see what follows after I follow God.

** This post was a tad more open that I realized. I hope that I do not offend anyone who reads this. If you want to know my story better, I am open to share.**

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Little Goals

The grass is greener, the birds are louder, the sun is brighter and warmer, and the signs of spring are evident. I love this time of year. I love it because it reminds me that even though for months we are under this frozen blanket it will be lifted and we will return to the summer months. It reminds me of my Christian walk. For some time I have felt like I have been under a frozen blanket. My heart has been cold. I have been struggling with this idea of Christianity. I needed a goal. I needed a end to this walk. I needed to see that after months of worshipping God it would be enough. I would be done and be able to cross it off of my to do list. However, that is so wrong. Worshipping, praising, and loving God is not something that I will someday be able to cross off a to do list. It is a continuous thing. It needs to always go on. Maybe that is why I struggle so much because I don't see the end. I get discouraged and wonder if this is the right track. But then, I wake up to a bright spring day seeing the change and I know that this is the right track. In the dead of winter I always wonder if it will ever be sunny again? But over time, the sun pops out and I feel refreshed and I know that I can manage these winter months because the sun is still there. I know I can handle my walk with Christ when I see little bits of Him all over the place. I know that this is just temporary. As the world around me turns into spring every day, my goal is to turn into Christ everyday. I will set small goals for myself that will accomplish bigger goals. This way I can still cross things off of my list and feel accomplished. After all I am a tad OCD... :-)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

One day at a time

Another crazy weekend has come and gone. I am wondering when the madness will stop? When will I be able to settle down and enjoy a quiet weekend. I almost want a huge snow storm to come and bury me in my house. (ALMOST) I am looking for Christ to settle to me down and prepare me for 2 more weeks until I can enjoy spring break. However, I am not thinking two weeks at a time. I am thinking one day at a time. Today my thoughts are one the swim team. I am going to give me all to those little kids. They are so excited to swim. Their eyes light up and it's the best feeling in the world. So today is swim team. Go Stingers...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

True Love

The other day I was cuddled up to my love and I sighed and said "I'm stressed" and then the tears came rolling out. They were coming so hard I couldn't control them. I couldn't stop them and it was okay. Roger said nothing. He held me close while I let him know what was wrong. I was stressed about school, work, money, the future, today, yesterday...anything and everything. You name it I was crying about it. However, when I was looking back at the whole situation. I feel overwhelmed with love. Roger loves me more than anything. Have you ever been that in love? So in love that it actually hurts you? I can't believe that Roger willing chooses to love me. How amazing! I am so blessed to be this in love. What is even more amazing is that God loves me more than that. Wow. I have never been so amazed by God's love. Can you relate? Is there something tangible here on earth that reminds you of your heavenly father?